Episode 47
Transcending Your Zone of Excellence to Lead from Your Divine Genius
Prepare to redefine your limits and step into the extraordinary realm of divine genius. In this episode you will gain practical insight and tips on transcending from your established zone of excellence into your unique zone of genius. Listen as the Council of Light unfolds the process of elevating consciousness and stepping into the genius stage through tapping into your divine design. Danielle also shares her personal journey, the challenges faced, the victories, and ultimately, the fulfillment and satisfaction that comes with functioning in our zones of genius.
Imagine the positive impact on your life and work when you lead from your divine genius: dodging time, energy, and financial drains, feeling energized and fulfilled, and attracting those who seek your unique gifts. This isn't just about personal or professional growth; it's about making your highest contribution to the world. Let's explore this journey together and further unleash the potential of your divine genius.
Do not miss these highlights:
01:08 - The Council of Light discusses the Ascended Mastery stage and the evolution of skills and knowledge into a new or alchemized form.
09:27 - The difference between your Zone of Excellence and your Zone of Genius.
14:23 - The challenge of balancing multiple roles and niches in the transformational industry.
18:33 - The importance of identifying and leveraging one's "divine genius" for success.
20:53 - Leading from your divine genius attracts magnetizing energy and abundance.
25:42 - Integrating different aspects of one's expertise and experience to offer a more holistic and effective service to clients.
29:26 - The value of a mentor who understands one's multidimensionality for personal and professional growth.
Resources Mentioned
Feeling called to go deeper with the guides and Danielle? Reach out to find out more about our Highest Contribution Audit and Academy.
For your free gift, visit http://DanielleRamaHoffman.com/gift for INSTANT ACCESS to The Spiritual Leader’s Treasure Chest!
About the Host:
Danielle Hoffman is a 3x best-selling author, international channel, and legacy-work coach to thousands around the world. She is the co-creator (with her business partner and guide Thoth) of the Multi-D Abundance Method™️, Divine Light Activation, and the Ascended Master Academy, where her specialty is leading coaches, healers, mentors, and spiritual teachers to embody their Divine self and create their UNIQUE legacy body of work (book, program, irresistible content) with Source to add $100k+ to their bottom line anytime they choose.
Thoth, the Egyptian God of infinite wisdom, architecture, scribe, and keeper of the Akashic Records is Danielle’s business partner, friend, and co-facilitator of Divine Transmissions offerings, programs, and products. Connecting directly with Thoth is an opportunity to access your inner wisdom, infinite possibilities, and to become who it is that you are designed to be, fully realized, and Divine.
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© 2023 Danielle Hoffman
Danielle Rama Hoffman: Welcome to the Seven Figure Spiritual Leader with Danielle Rama Hoffman, your fast track to partner with source to create your legacy business without overworking. Now let's dive into today's episode.
Speaker:Welcome to this episode on transcending your zone of excellence to lead from your divine genius. So if you've been hanging out with me for any amount of time, you know that I am a channel and I work with the Guides, and I thought I would kick off this episode by bringing in the Guides first. And then I'll circle back and kind of talk more about, really, how do we know when we're in our zone of excellence rather than our zone of genius, and really the benefits of leading from our genius as well as a few steps to get there. So let's begin with the guide. So I'll just take a moment to bring them in.
Speaker:Thoth; Council of Light: Hello, dear one, this is Tony with an expanded Counsel of light, including the path of the Venus Light Beings of Light moving more into the forefront of this divine transmission. We are delighted to be exploring this very profound topic. Before we go into the topic of your divine genius, which is a part of your unique divine design, we want to talk about the larger context of the elevation and consciousness and your journey, as you choose to have an embodied path of elevating your consciousness by using the physical plane as your playground to evolve your consciousness. So there are different evolutionary stages in consciousness and one is this genius stage will be called the genius stage. Or we will also call it the Ascended Mastery stage. And this stage in consciousness is where you have developed a lot of your skills, you've, you've perhaps you've gone to school, and you have developed a zone of excellence, you have a lot of hours and experience in what it is that you do, in terms of your in terms of the extraordinary work that you share with the world as well as who you be. And so when you get to that stage, most likely you have a lot of certifications on your belt, or you you may have gone down an academic route, you may have had a career for some amount of years and a certain thing and, and then there's this desire to really go beyond excellence into genius, to go into your extraordinary your, your legacy, your your Ascended masteries. And at this stage, although it is still aligned to to have support to partner with mentors, such as our selves, for those of you that are called, there's also this aspect where it's time for you to garner more from what you would create. And so if you've read 1000 books, and you get to the genius stage of consciousness, the genius consciousness, there'll be more for you to garner of writing your your own book. Or they'll be more for you to garner rather than teaching your teachers modality to create your own modality. Or it may be also more subtle than that, where you're synthesizing what you have been gathering, gathering, gathering, gathering, and you're bringing it together in a in a new way or an alchemize form. And so, this genius phase is really In the larger context of elevating your consciousness, elevating your consciousness. And so now that we've laid the foundation of what it is we're speaking about, we will going to a little bit more about how is it that you, you go from what it is that most likely is your established expertise, what you already know, into the unknown. And when we say divine genius, we mean your extraordinary genius, when we talk about Ascended Mastery, we mean, like that, which you have also mastered. So, as beings of light as guides as Ascended Mastery, as Ascended Masters, we often have ascended mastery in multiple areas. And so, for example, ISIS is the ascended, master of love of magic of midwifery of crystals. Or Thoth, who is a part of this bandwidth that's transmitting right now is the Ascended Master of communication scribing, the Akashic records, alignment are healing, and in multiple areas of ascended mastery. And so when you are at this stage, and you'll probably notice that because they'll be this sense of like, you're only scratching the surface, or what you're currently doing is, is good, and yet, you're really looking for the extraordinary, they'll often be a deepening into what it is that you have gathered during different cycles. And so for example, for Danielle, in her first career as a counselor, and working with battered women, where she, she really had developed a lot of skill sets and different things. Then she went into massage and bodywork and having many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many hours and bodies under under her hands. And then there was, again, the energy work and then kept going in different different cycles. And yep, just like as we're sharing about Danielle's journey, you also will tend to have an area even if the areas are different, like for Danielle's very much been about entrepreneurship, as she's been 30 years as an entrepreneur at this point, as well as the the healing arts. So alignment of personal growth, spiritual growth, her own and certainly contributing to others. And so, when you are really moving from your zone of excellence into your divine genius, one of the things that can be useful is to really look at what it is that you have been up to thus far. And to, to allow yourself to be in this place and what's emerging, what's emerging that seems new. So that is our opening message where we're stepping aside at this point. So inviting you to take a moment to integrate not only the words that have been shared, yet the energy all this light and love and we are all.
Speaker:Danielle Rama Hoffman: That was fun, Danielle, here moving back into the forefront, to talk a little bit more about how you know you're in your zone of excellence and your genius. And oftentimes, your your zone of excellence is what you have already established you've had success with. Most likely you have earned money from it or received recognition for it and And, and then your your genius is is what you're meant to be and do and express. And there's something that's, that is very bespoke about it, that's very customized, it's very unique to you. So even if it looks like Snopes, somebody else is doing something similar. There'll be an aspect of it, that's absolutely unique to you. And at this stage in consciousness, you may be having the thoughts of, like, I know, I'm meant for something more, why are things moving along faster? And then also this kind of, like, why have this big vision yet? Like, can I can I really do it? And, and, like, is it going to be enough? If I, if I really align with, with that divine genius or that ascended mastery? Like, will it work because you know that this is working. So there is a little bit of an explorer energy that really helps, as you're, as you're in this in this space to transition and it is a time to really slow down to speed up to, to do some deep reflection, and in our in our highest contribution audit our 30 Day temple, where this is really what we are supporting our clients with. It is a it is a time to take a pause to tune back into your ultimate vision and for your life and for your extraordinary work in the world. And to make this shift and to have a plan of like, what what is like one key needle movers so that when you make this shift, even though you may be having those thoughts of like, how long is this going to take? And do I have to start over again, it's not starting over, it's really an extension of what you've already been doing yet. Usually blending in more of your some capacities that had been in the backburner to be in in the forefront.
Speaker:And so that is something to really as you're coming away from this podcast. We're really inviting you to slow down to speed up. If you'd like to explore working with the guides and AI around this and our highest contribution audit I invite you to reach out and and we can talk about it if that's an align next step for you. Because again, most likely, this is like the back of your hand. Sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees. And that's why even though at this stage of genius law Double you, you really are in a place where if you write your book or you create your modality, or if you have your business or you add to your industry or that you're in this kind of transmitting mode, rather than receiving reading 1000 books or taking somebody else's program, or those kinds of things, like even though all that's true, having a mentor of this stage that knows you, and gets you is and gets your multidimensionality. And everything you've been up to, on the physical plane in the higher planes is really an invaluable resource. Because again, it's most likely like the back of your hand is so familiar, or there is some element of it that may be hidden or not seen by you. And so, as we're wrapping up here, just really want to extend my appreciation and love for you for all that you're up to, in your extraordinary life and work and really inviting you to to explore what leading from your divine genius, will, will be like and would be like, because I don't know about you. But for me that feeling at the end of the day, that I have left it on the stage that I have done, and then what it is that I came to do and be in this lifetime, that I've sung my song. And also like, as I see our clients do that as well. It's deep down to the bone level of fulfillment. And those days that go by where our clients or myself we slipped back into the zone of excellence. It just doesn't have that same, that same level of deep satisfaction and, and that's quite frankly, a lot of what what drives me and in our work with our clients and, and my divine genius is very much tied into supporting others to be in their zone of divine genius. So thank you so much for tuning in. Love to hear from you. Feel free to reach out about the highest contribution audit if you're called. leave a review on the podcast and sending you much love and appreciation. Bye for now.
Speaker:And so this explore energy, like going on a treasure hunt, again, you you're not starting over or just like getting to know yourself at this stage. You're, you're, you're on the precipice of really being in that, that seat of your genius, or your Ascended Mastery. And so you might start to feel frustrated, like how do you know you're in your excellence and of course, you know, this framework I really love as well from from the big leap, the book, The Big Leap, and that there are like your zones of incompetence, competence, excellence, genius, we're really talking about this excellence to genius. And in that zone of excellence, there, you may have a sense that you're like being pulled into too many directions, or you're being pulled into work that you have a hunch that somebody else could do, even though you may be really excellent at it. And, and then there can be a frustration like of course, if you're really in your zone of incompetence or your confidence, then that frustration meter will will be higher, yet even in the zone of excellence. It's like, okay, I'm really good at this. This is working well. Yeah, I know I'm meant for something more. And, and I'm really taking the time to to assess like what we do in the highest contribution audit to get clear on that because it might surprise you. It might surprise you because like the guides were talking about you have ascended mastery in multiple areas or you've developed skill sets in multiple areas. And and so for example for me or for a lot of transformational folks in the in the transformational industry, whether you're a conscious practitioner, or a constant conscious entrepreneur, or a conscious professional like emerging are established because we work with all three there there is that that place or that seat where you're kind of wearing multiple hats and that's that's also a part of being multi-dimensional But that's a topic for another another podcast,
Speaker:Your genius, usually is multi dimensional. And so in the transformational industry, the way that this can show up is a sense of like niche, switching, like, oh, I want to be in this niche and this niche in this niche, where what you're looking for is a place in a space where you can bring all of you without having to leave behind essential and very powerful parts of yourself. And so are let's talk about our transformational entrepreneur, for example, like, they, they may be an author. So that's a genius to be able to communicate through writing, they may be a coach or a practitioner in a certain modality. So they may be creating products or programs or books or whatever that is, and then they may also be working with with clients. And, and then maybe they have a podcast or whatever those different things are. You, you may feel like, oh, all of those are my genius. And yet, there may be one that is is ahead, like really is, is a little bit more ahead. So when you look at the different zones, and then divine relationships is so key here to really surround yourself with others who have geniuses, in areas that you don't, so that you can really be freed up to lead from your divine genius. There there is also that real nuances sorting of like, could somebody do this better than I can? Could somebody do this more efficiently than I can? Just because I can doesn't mean I should like these, these kinds of questions. So for some coaches, or practitioners, they may realize that yes, they're, they're amazing at offering sessions, and yet, they're genius, might be in teaching. Or it might be in creating something that's going to reach a larger a larger audience. And so, this this time, it really is a, an audit or an intake where an assessment where you really go through and and go, Okay, well, what, what would be freed up? Like, if you're, if you're kind of going, Is this my excellence? Is this my genius? Or here are all the five things that I feel like I'm really great at? And then you and then you say, okay, like, what if that one? What if I? What if I wasn't doing that one anymore? Or just to just to try on? Like, what would that free up more time for.
Speaker:And that's another way, as we're talking about kind of the first steps to get there already, that's another way to, to start to identify, like, the first step to get there is to, is to really contemplate this and to slow down into, you can even ask, like a few people that know you really well or again, if you if you're a conscious professional, or you're an entrepreneur or practitioner, like what what do five individuals that have worked with you, like really appreciate about you? And, and that may or may not give you information, right? But it does give you some feedback from from the outside. Oftentimes your zone of genius, when you're in it, it's also that thing that will really like time stand still. And, and you, you you're really in, in the flow, and you're in that space where it almost feels so easy. Not always, but it can feel so easy. That you may be wondering, like is Is this enough? Or is it enough, but it's important to remember that, that genius that you have those that you have a divine appointment with to contribute to, to me to, to be friends with to to share your extraordinary work in the world with like they're looking for that. They're looking for that. And, you know, another way to kind of contemplate this is is a reverse, a little bit reverse engineering, where you can start to look at and say okay, what have you invested in over the years? That wasn't your genius, and it may be very obvious like if you're having your kitchen remodel Have you hired a contractor, if that's not what, what your profession is, and then it may be more more subtle. Like, for me, I've invested in business coaches over the years. And I also invest in individuals that are really great at, at structure, ad systems that kind of planning ahead, like all those kinds of things, although I have developed those same skill sets over the years, like, they weren't natural for me, they were more learned zones of excellence. Whereas the divine genius, it's, it's already in you, it's like a natural strength. And when you when you're aligned with your unique divine design, and you're leaving from your divine genius, there's something so magnetic and attractive about it.
Speaker:Thanks for tuning in today. Want to pass Go and take the fast track to partner with source to create your six or seven figure legacy business without overworking. Join in the conversation over at the Seven Figure Spiritual Leader Facebook group. Until next time, sending you much love and appreciation for your contribution to the evolution and consciousness.