Episode 52

Too Much on Your Plate? The Higher Purpose Of Overdoing and How to Stop

Explore the art of slowing down and aligning with your highest purpose to overcome the cycle of overdoing. 

Drawing insights from the Magdalene Manifestation card deck, Danielle shares how the concepts of Sublime Time and Radiant Energy can guide you to achieve our goals with joy and vitality. Reflect on the importance of sustainable practices, not only within your work in the transformational industry but also in your personal life, and learn the significance of discerning when to say 'yes' or 'no' to prevent burnout and maintain your energy.  

Thoth and the Council of Light discuss this pivotal time wherein the collective consciousness is leaning toward awakening and rebalancing. They invite us to consider the implications of technological advancements and their role in increasing stress and the necessity for spiritual evolution to shift from survival mode to a state of co-creation and abundance. Embrace the profound inner and outer shifts needed to forge a legacy that resonates with your true essence, and get inspired to join the wave of conscious leaders contributing to this monumental shift.

Do not miss these highlights:

00:15 - The importance of aligning with opulent vitality and saying no to draining activities.

03:52 - Having a solid foundation on the physical plane to support multifaceted creativity and ascension.

05:56 - The fear of missing something when you do not have the proper structure or processes in place. 

11:09 - The physical manifestations that overdoing can bring forth.

15:39 - The impact of technology on personal growth and the need for innovative solutions.

18:01 - Moving from fear-based survival to neutral, multi-dimensional self.

21:33 - Aligning energy with sovereignty, discernment, and essentialism to stop overwhelming situations.

27:43 - The importance of aligning with one's higher self and vision for maximum impact.

32:32 - Resources for individuals to deepen their spiritual evolution and aligned projects.

Resources Mentioned

Go HERE to learn more about the Visionary Heart & Birthright of Love Activations. 

Live Summit https://daniellehoffman.com/expert-series/

For your free gift, visit http://DanielleRamaHoffman.com/gift for INSTANT ACCESS to The Spiritual Leader’s Treasure Chest! 

About the Host:

Danielle Hoffman is a 3x best-selling author, international channel, and legacy-work coach to thousands around the world. She is the co-creator (with her business partner and guide Thoth) of the Multi-D Abundance Method™️, Divine Light Activation, and the Ascended Master Academy, where her specialty is leading coaches, healers, mentors, and spiritual teachers to embody their Divine self and create their UNIQUE legacy body of work (book, program, irresistible content) with Source to add $100k+ to their bottom line anytime they choose.

Thoth, the Egyptian God of infinite wisdom, architecture, scribe, and keeper of the Akashic Records is Danielle’s business partner, friend, and co-facilitator of Divine Transmissions offerings, programs, and products. Connecting directly with Thoth is an opportunity to access your inner wisdom, infinite possibilities, and to become who it is that you are designed to be, fully realized, and Divine. 


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Danielle Rama Hoffman: Welcome to the Seven Figure Spiritual Leader with Danielle Rama Hoffman. Your fast track to partner with source to create your legacy business without overworking. Now let's dive into today's episode.


Welcome to this episode called too much on your plate, the higher purpose of overdoing and how to stop. In preparation for our podcasts here I pulled a few cards from our magdeleine manifestation card deck. By went through the deck and I pulled out the sublime time resource code holding it up if you're checking out the video, or if you've got your own deck you can pull it out and have alongside of you is we're diving into this very juicy and timely topic. And it says sublime time highest timeline. Time is multi dimensional. Time is multi dimensional. Time is multi dimensional, it's kind of sharing what the higher purpose is of overdoing is to go into multi dimensional time. Now I will bring in the guides here towards the beginning of the episode, to have them share their perspective on the higher purpose, being present and enjoy to collapse time. Reach your targets at the speed of love. So being on your highest timeline, knowing that time is multidimensional, being present and enjoy so you can collapse time. And then also really accelerate how you reach your targets at the speed of love. It's already hinting to the higher purpose of overdoing and how when we go so far into overdoing, we're going to look for other ways. Because it's not sustainable. It's not sustainable to be full out. i You may remember a few years ago I was kind of in semi Saba sabbatical mood from mode from, from having a burnout from taking on too many projects and doing too many things. And I see this also in in the transformational industry and also on the planet just in general. So I know it's a really important topic, and also speaks to the larger evolution and consciousness that we're in that there's an old paradigm, the new paradigm and continuing to do things in the old paradigm way is just less and less effective, right, it's not working like it used to the game has changed. So we got to update, also the game that we're playing and, and use more of the the aspects that we love to which is higher consciousness. So then I pulled a card without looking at the cards as a supporting energy. And out of the four resource cup co cards codes in the deck, I already pulled that one, I pulled a second resource code, which I just thought was phenomenal. And it's so on par for our topic here. Really excited to share it with you. So radiant energy, opulent vitality, being energized is natural, saying no to what drains you and yes to what lights you up and be highly magnetic. So there is another big clue in their opulent vitality, that it that it's just not aligned or congruent anymore from my perspective, to be running on fumes to be using over efforting and all the do to do to make up for lack of alignment and higher and higher consciousness and, and to be in that survival mode of of survival consciousness is really aligned for us to be coming from opulent vitality. And part of that is saying no is saying no. And when we look at the five stages to manifest the legacy that you're meant for your extraordinary work in life that I've been talking about more and more and more. The


The first stage is the clarity stage. And in the clarity stage, really the the skill to master the number one thing to focus on is your capacity to go down and in and upwards to to bring up to a place of completion any conflict between the head and the heart that creates confusion and then you may find yourself like in creation chaos because you've said yes to too many things or you're not sure really what your your inner compasses and in terms of what to say yes to and what to say no to or you think you need to say yes to things in order to survive. So really healing and being able to discern between the head and the heart at this clarity stage and being able to go in to your own saw warranty and up to your higher guidance are really key at the clarity stage. And the clarity stage where we work with our clients in the clarity stage is in our highest contribution audit and activation. And so as I've been really immersed in the behind the scenes and really hearing from leaders in our community conscious experts in their field, that are on that path to, of creating their extraordinary work in life, and they, they already have had so much success and accomplishment that the some of them the biggest, the biggest leak and being able to, to exponentiated, to have even more extraordinary work in life is, is that they have said yes to too many things. And, and then they're just running every day with a with a to do list that's longer than their arm and their legs in order to keep up with it. And and these yeses are not all professional because divine transmissions were really a stand for you having multi abundance and in multiple areas of your life, you leading an extraordinary life, in your home and in your body and with your energy and how you're spending your time and financially and also in your relationships. And that there is this very harmonious expression of you where you get to show up in multifaceted because you're multi dimensional. And so not all of the overdoing is based on on what they've said professionally, or kind of what might be thought of as the half twos. They're, they're also this in other areas of their lives. So in the clarity stage, some of the thoughts that you may have is like, why am not farther along on and having too many irons in the fire, having too many projects, and I know it because creating and creating the source being a perfect prolific creator is one of my ascendant masteries what can start to happen is that when you have too many creations going at once, they don't get finished, a lot of things get started. And if you don't have physical plane structure systems in place to support everything that's going on, there can be like this overthinking that starts to happen or this worrying or this like fear that you're gonna something's gonna fall through the cracks, or you're gonna miss something. And, and so there, there are some physical plane things that can really support this, you know, finding a schedule that works for you having structures and systems in place, you know, the time of this recording in divine transmissions, we've really been doing a deep dive in this as our team's expanded, and we're committed to reaching and supporting even more conscious leaders, and those that are really here to lead the elevation in consciousness in a larger way. And so having a solid foundation on the physical plane, the roots to match our galactic nature, in our in our solid trunk that we've already established over the years is really important. So sometimes it is slowing down and, and getting those things in place and having systems in place so that it's not all in your head and going like and also just responding right so there is some physical plane aspect of this where you can be more efficient and, and batch things on a certain day. And I'm talking about kind of how you spend your time. But here, we're really going to dive into the higher purpose of that. So the higher purpose of overdoing and as, as a as by pedals or humans or as a species, you know, what it's pushing us in into what what it's supporting us to grow. Like, sometimes you might say, like, Oh, we're doing is wrong or bad. And what we're bringing in here is the perspective of the higher purpose like what's right about what we're doing? How is that really calling us forward to do things in a different way to do things more in a new paradigm way. And so let's bring in the guides and have them share about the higher purpose of overdoing and a little bit, how to stop it. So I'm just going to take a moment if you're new to divine transmissions, or you been with us for a while, I just really want to celebrate you being here and share my love and gratitude for you choosing to spend your time with us. And I really appreciate you being here and your commitment to your own full realization because that's really the higher purpose of everything that we're up to here


Thoth; Council of Light: Hello Dear Ones this is Thoth and The Expanded Council the Light moving more into the forefront of this the vyne transmission, we're gonna bring in some love and light language, to openness and openness up here and love and light language is a way to communicate directly to your totality to your multi dimensionality to you as source to to all of you. And just like how color you can really feel or have an experience with color that that goes beyond the verbal communication or your intellectual mind. We use light language and love language to also provide a lot of energetic transmission and consciousness through a nonverbal way. Even though it's verbal, like a non intellectual way, as it does circumvent some of your intellectual mind. So you can think of this as an original language as talking to herself to herself as using like hieroglyphs sacred symbols, and colors and vibrations and frequencies. And so here we go. The Hema, the hottie, the hashtag, the hacker Teva. We will call this podcast the council meeting inkpad to ask the hacker, if you are here, and you are, you have a seat on this council, and we are welcoming you Mohanty, we're translating the light language so you get both the chewing gum for your big beautiful Brain and Mind and also the energy there's bespoke energy for your whole system. Nanga, DECA to Archaia. Council meetings happen, when there are rites of passages that you are experiencing on the Eurostar as, as a community, the he caught he lost the haka tea, heightening katiba, any I mean cut to you, ah, and the larger collective consciousness is at a tipping point, or there's an there's so much desire for something to be different. So, both are true here Ninka to kya you as a part of a higher consciousness, community or someone that is devoted to your own personal growth are and others who also are committed to their personal growth, their spiritual evolution, living in the new paradigm, the Great Awakening, you you have reached a tipping point, Anita Aikatsu, Archaia and the collective consciousness those who may not be consciously on a path of, of evolution of going to new solutions have, have experienced enough lack or have experienced the unprepared aspects of this overdoing and the side effects of it and the fallout of it, that at as a species, we don't really use the word human we use by pedals, two legs, two arms, two eyes, two ears, as a species, the collective consciousness is really asking or calling in a different way, because just in the last 10 years or 15 years with technology, things have changed, things have sped up.


Of course, we can talk about this from from the higher consciousness evolution and consciousness the new paradigm, the Great Awakening, that the earth is moving at higher frequency, higher hertz, HC Ninka T basta haka T, how could you Archaia moving from the Piscean age, the solar plexus, power over power under the will into the heart, the Aquarian Age coming from a place of neutrality, that there's more to be garnered from co creation and abundance and joy, then the survival separation consciousness of lack and fear and doubt. And, and the overdoing it really kicks off a lot of the survival consciousness mechanisms in the body, where you have a lot of stress hormones that are running a cocktail of stress hormones that are running in the system, the adrenaline gets going, where it can be sustainable for a while, where you can do all the do all the doo doo doo all the efforting all the overdoing and yet, then, when you stop or even if you don't stop you may find yourself having something in your physical body. As Danielle pulled the radiant energy card like your radiant energy may be calling you And you may have a cold or you may have pain in your body or there may be like, you just find yourself sitting on the couch, surfing watching Netflix because you just can't go another step, or something that may happen even beyond that. Yet when when you stop, and you're the the adrenals stop pumping those, those hormones, which are all about being in the sympathetic nervous system, the fight the fear, the freeze nervous system, then then the the crash happens, and that there often is, is a lag time before you can keep, keep going. And so there there are so many, again, who are on a conscious, self acclaimed path of personal growth, and you're doing your inner work and, and see the the power and the potency of your higher consciousness as well as those who are living their lives. And the cumulative, the cumulative, like, hey, we can't keep going this way. Because what we're starting to say is, it is a lot of this has to do with technology. A lot of this has to do with the the downtime that you might have had, let's say you're you're going to the hairdresser, you're gonna get a haircut. And back in the day, you you didn't have your phone with you, you you'd sit and look out the window, or be in quiet contemplation, or you might talk to your neighbor, or maybe you look at the magazine. And now 24 hours a day you you can you can be reached, if you choose you can be checking some digital something something and, and there's been a lot of advancement through technology. And then there also are the higher purpose of when something stops working, like the overdoing there, that the speeding up of how you can access information, how you can connect to individuals, that all the speeding up, which is also a sign of the vibration accelerating it, it's the higher purpose is to reach into another possibility to do things in a different way to do things in a different way. And so the tipping point is really ripe for this, one of the things that has been a part of your verbal language for a long time is like necessity is the mother of, of invention or something like that. So there there's a real need to to find a solution to this. And, and the solution. The higher purpose as was being shared and spoken about in the clarity stage, from our perspective, is going in and up and really channeling your higher self to discern what is aligned for you and what isn't to discern what to say yes to what to say no to. Now, if we take this into the second stage and our five stages framework, to to manifest the legacy that you're designed for your show ordinary work and in life in this incarnation. The other aspect in the activate stage, which is where your multi dimensional consciousness, where you go from being run by your slower vibrational thoughts and feelings and emotions and trauma responses to to activating more dimensions of you activating your neutrality, bringing and when you activate, and a lot of what we're up to and divine transmissions is activations in various forms, when you activate something, that which is active also comes into a place of dormancy. And so


experiencing all the things that you have on your plate too much on your plate when you experience it from the fear response or survival consciousness or the doubt or the overwhelm or the the fight fear freeze. Then, as we often use this analogy, it's like that goes into a thimble of water. Let's say that spread food coloring the old paradigm of overdoing and so on and so forth. And the At the stress hormone cocktails goes into a thimble that completely covered color's the water of the thimble, let's say you're the thimble and you're the water. And, and that gets dumped into a small area, or the previous version of you is a thimble in the new paradigm, you become the ocean, you're in your heart, you're neutral, you're tapped into the multi dimensional now, you, you're not running from the survival consciousness, you're discerning what's aligned for you, you're, you're really allowing and choosing your higher self to be guiding you along the way. And, and so the higher purpose is to move out of some some things that just aren't working and to reach for something that's different, to reach for something that's different. And when you reach for something that's different, you you're reaching for it in your multidimensionality, or your Divine Self, your Higher Self, your, your, your super power, self, your, your supernatural self, whatever you want to call the to the totality of you. And the totality of you has some pretty cool geniuses and ascended masters, and these pretty cool geniuses and ascended masteries. And tapping into them. And navigating things in a whole new way, is the higher purpose of overdoing it's, it's getting you to tap into to reach up and to reach in, to solve this imbalance, to bring it back into harmony, to bring it back into oneness, to bring it back into wholeness. And to become more multi dimensional, because in linear time of 24 hours, and you're going to be sleeping, and you're going to be eating and you're going to whatever, and the cap on your energy. If you're coming from a sense of like, not enough energy, not enough time, it's all it's all not enough. And however, if you start experiencing things multi dimensionally, and we talk about this, in Divine Light activation, really bringing into dormancy, all these outdated ways of being in activating the most current version of you the most current version of your genius, the most current version of your, what you're here to, we get started with this in the highest contribution. And, and then also in the Magdalene codes, and The Magdalene cards, really that multi dimensional abundance where you're tapping into non physical energies. And that helps align things more, you don't have to use effort. As much were, let's say somebody that you're thinking about somebody and rather than having to, to take the time to reach out to them, they they call you, they reach out to you.


There there's a lot of different examples about this when when you really tapped into your multi dimensionality, and you're living in it at the speed of love and the speed of light. Because also a lot of the overdoing and what's underneath edge. I just what got us started talking about the activate stage is what's underneath it usually is some slower vibration, belief or thought, or body sensation or emotion that drives it. Maybe it's that there's a sense of like, I need to prove that I'm successful by doing X, Y and Z. Or there's there's usually some unhealed core emotion or trauma or past life thing that that drives the looking outside of you and taking on too many things can be one source of it. Another source of it is that you have tapped into your multi dimensional mentioned multi dimensionality. And you're a high achiever, you're a high performer, you can you can do a lot of stuff you can spend a lot of plates, you have that resilience and and having too much on your To Do lists. Again, it gets you to reach down and in and also look at what what's underneath that. So the ways to stop it. We've talked about the higher purpose of it that it has you leaning into more of Have multidimensionality and new paradigm ways of living and, and also also recognizing that what's underneath it is usually an absence of love or an option absence of connection to Source or that there's some something driving it, that when you really go deep and, and include that into the wholeness and shift that, then things start to come into to right into right relationship. So what are the ways to stop it is not to arm wrestle with it, it's not to make yourself wrong for it. However, from an alchemical perspective, there does come a time, especially when we speak about your extraordinary work in life, your Opus level, where less is more, and where you choose to declutter your energy, you choose to declutter what you're engaged in. And what you're engaged in is at a higher level of potency and caliber, and more in the pocket, like more in the sweet spot of you. And that also can can really expand and, and shift things into into stopping it. When your energy changes, and you're tapped into more of who it is you're going within you're, you're claiming your own sovereignty, your capacity to discern, you also have a clear compass. Again, this is what we partner with our clients in the highest contribution to really identify is like, what is the needle movers? What are the needle movers, what matters most to you, what is going to make the biggest difference, because it's not about doing all the things it's about doing the things that are aligned for you that are going to make the most difference. It's not about running around doing this and that and kind of a whole bunch of trial and error. There's really an essentialism, like the essential oil, where you take all of your experiences and you and you take an assessment of what what's going on and what still feels current with you. Because that can be it too. Sometimes, a previous version of us started something and you've outgrown it. So it's it is a larger topic, we do go deeper with our clients around this if you're feeling called to explore partnering with us, if you sense you have a divine appointment with us. There's different ways to do so. You can get started with the Magdalene Manifestation Cards or an activation, the birthright of love activation from the Magdalene codes, one of the first Magdalene codes is a really great place to start because some of the unhealed bmes. Underneath, overdoing is some sort of like I'm not enough, and I need to prove myself were the birthright of love. You are you're loved, you're loved period. And also the visionary heart activation is really a great place to start as well. Because the visionary heart is having clarity about your vision. It's coming from the heart from the place of neutrality. It's a revolution in relationships, where you go from power over power under into really recognizing that you are divine, and so is everyone else. So that shifts a lot of the doing things from obligations or shoulds. Or somebody wants me to do this giving away your power to others to determine what's aligned for you. So those are great places to start. And then again, in our highest contribution audit and activation, we will really take a deep look together at what's going on and what's working, what's not working, and then supporting you to tap into your own inner guidance to decide what you're ready to spend more units of consciousness in. Yes, it's about subtracting sometimes or editing or decluttering or centralizing some things fall away. We also like to look at it as putting more focus and energy into what is aligned and adding, adding that in. So we're coming towards a place of completion we've shared a lot energetically. We share on the physical plane and we want to celebrate you for being here and your contribution to the evolution and consciousness. All this light and love, and we are all.


Danielle Rama Hoffman: So Danielle here moving back into the forefront of this divine transmission of this podcast. And there are so many gems and takeaways here. You know, what I love about kind of the play of, of sharing with you how I play in the world, how I'd be in the world is, is sharing my insights and wisdom that I've gathered from many lifetimes and a lot of experience and expertise in this lifetime. And also working directly with the guides over time. And so it's also applying what it is that they share and how it is that it shows up. For me and in our clients lives in a way that that's really potent and powerful. So I I've been a follow the energy kind of gal for a long time using that discernment. Leading from my higher self and the guidance. And an, it makes a huge difference, it really makes a huge difference. Because even when there is a big project, like you're gonna keep doing, like as doers, we're gonna keep doing, it's great to align our being state and our non physical energy and our divine self, to the action that we're taking in the physical plane. And to ensure that that action is really aligned and coherent and is going to create the most optimal positioning and results in our life. And yet, at the same time, we're, we're still going to be doing so when when I, when I receive a divine assignment, from my higher self, or from my guides, that I know is going to have a lot of doing with it. Like, if you're if you if you know, it's time to move, moving takes energy and time and money and resources there's doing to it. If you know it's time to shift into more of starting a new business or changing something in your career, or like creating a book or meeting the love of your life, like whatever it is that you you have a sense of, of what's next for you, when it comes from the knowing of like, Yes, I'm on the right path. This is right for me, not all not giving away power to the guides. The guides don't tell me what to do. They they encourage what they see already within my system and with our clients system, they don't tell you what to do, it's more assisting you to access what you know, is aligned for you. Yet when when there is the backing of knowing this is really aligned for me because I've gone in and I've caught up and I I'm I'm being led by my higher self and my highest contribution and, and I got this access this hook up with the guides, which is really kind of all the stages that we assist our clients with, then, then like there's this boundless energy that that comes with it, there's a lot of momentum, and then the willingness to stay the course to to not stop before, what it is that you're here for your vision before you create it. So that also can really support the yeses, the SS to just have so much more rightness and richness, and not to overdo yet to be doing what it takes in order to bring things into fruition. All right, well, that feels like a complete cycle of energy. So I'm going to wrap up here. Again, if you want to get started with the guides, and I really encourage you to check out one of our master classes, one of the activations, the card deck, and then if you want to find out more about going deeper with us, and I'll put the links in the show notes. The highest contribution audit and activation is a great place to start. And, and we also really look at like what stage in consciousness you're in there as well like, what what really is next on your path of your massive spiritual evolution, your contribution to making a difference on the planet, your inner being and also those outer aligned projects that are optimal for you. Okay, well, sending much love and bye for now.


Thanks for tuning in today. Join in the conversation over at the Seven Figure Spiritual Leader Facebook group, sending you Much love and appreciation for your contribution to the evolution and consciousness